An invitation to come over for coffee

visnja-invitationVisnja sends her siren song, inviting us to join her and Stanko for coffee on a beautiful day in Sydney, Australia. Danica’s cousin is serenading us with Mozart and looking gorgeous as as a yoga instructor (which she is).
So you see, we have even more reason than most Canadians to regret the collapse of Blackberry. Stanko was working for RIM in Waterloo and he and Visnja were on the brink of becoming Canadians when the layoffs occurred and Stanko relocated to Australia. Our loss, no question.
We are happy, though, that the talented couple seem to love their new Aussie home and Visnja doesn’t miss our winter cold one bit.

3 thoughts on “An invitation to come over for coffee

  1. Isn’t this a beautiful picture? The perfect venue for her talents. She’s the pied piper, luring us there with warmth and music. I’m day dreaming about it in front of the fireplace – – chilled to the bone as we roll into the merry month of May.

  2. Dear Bill and Donna,
    thank you for fun post.
    In days and moments like yesterday when wind and sun are in perfect balance, with view on a Pacific Ocean, the atmosphere which wakes enthusiasm I am missing dear people like you.
    With whom I share great time in Canada. We can still have meaningful skype conversation, but hope you will come one day, overcome all airport obstacles and enjoy Aussie coffee on the beach and so much more interesting to explore.

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